10 July 2012

Wappoo What??

In my Family Room Makeover post, I snuck in this picture my grandmother painted and mentioned offhand that it was a landscape of the Intracoastal Waterway.

Well, I was wrong.

Today, my dad was going through the paintings in my grandmother's estate and happened to mention this painting above the mantel, again referring to it as "my favorite painting." I asked him why that particular painting was his favorite. After all, he has many of her seascapes, landscapes, flower renderings, and paintings of The Citadel (the college he and his brothers attended). He's always been partial to the shrimp boats or magnolia paintings... What was so special about this one?

It's one of those funny childhood memories, ones that we all probably have, of driving past the same point so often, and seeing a particular landscape over and over again, that it becomes part of your childhood. 

This painting is actually of Wappoo Cut, which runs between the Stono River and the Ashley River in Charleston, S.C. Dad said every time they drove over the Wappoo Cut bridge, this is the view they'd see. 

I've gotten one gorgeous painting from my grandmother's estate, and we are planning to bid on a few more. She painted thousands of watercolors and quite a few oil paintings as well, and was something of a local celebrity. 

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