05 May 2012

Veggie Tales!

It's been about a month since we planted everything.

Mr. Cheddar is really proud of how his veggie boxes are going. The plant on the left is a habanero pepper plant and the right is jalapeno. They were doing fine until a particularly windy day, where they started bending over, so Hubs hightailed it to the gardening center to get some stakes.

His onions shot up practically overnight! I can't really contain our excitement... we probably seem like total newbies, but that's because WE ARE! Besides a one-pot herb garden on our apartment balcony, we've never grown anything ourselves. It's exciting!

He's also proud of his strawberry bush (which has since produced two tiny red strawberries, aaaaawww!) and his big scary-looking sweet pepper plant that he picked up on a whim at the supermarket.

And he's most dorkily excited about his tomato plant, which is growing up his ugly trellis. Have I mentioned how much I hate this trellis? I hate this trellis.

His second box had zucchini and more onions planted at the same time. There are SO MANY BLOOMS on these zucchini plants:

Oooh ahh! Zucchinis are very finicky plants though... if you touch the stalks the wrong way or something goes even remotely wrong, they can die without warning. Ask my mum, who has successfully killed one of my dad's zucchini plants.

His third box was built and planted only a couple of weeks ago, when he was gifted with radish seeds from his brother's girlfriend. He built this box deeper so that he could plant carrots and beets, too.


Beets! (Bears and Battlestar Galactica come later.)

And now onto my pride and joy: my own personal herb box! It's ALL MINE, planned and planted by me, and Hubs only contributes to it by occasionally watering for me.

Everything was planted from seeds, so after anxiously watching the box for about a week, I started to see results! Now almost everything is flourishing:



Teeny tiny basil sprout! (Basil is my favorite herb, I love mixing it with grape tomatoes, chopped shallot, and some balsamic vinaigrette.)




The only herbs not sprouting right now are the lavender (which have a longer gestation than the rest of them) and the oregano, which got planted a bit later but... should be sprouting by now.

Like I said, we are giddy and easily excited by our garden. We're pretty unapologetic about it. I'm pretty sure Hubs would sleep out there if he thought it would be socially acceptable.

We are still pricing out stones to build a pathway in the garden, but we've already planted some other bushes along the fence, so stay tuned for that!

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